
Showing posts from June, 2020

Attachment theory

A beautiful video I came across on YouTube. Felt like I should share it for all to watch. Something's we shouldn't consider less important...

Pelvis feeling low.... 🤪?

Put on a belt. Does the buckle point down rather than straight out? When it’s leg day at the fitness gym, do your hamstrings feel tight and sore before your quads? If so, you may have anterior pelvic tilt (your hips tilt forward). This means you have weak hip flexors, lower spine muscles, or lower abdominals, and it’s common among people who sit for many hours at a time.  - Dr. Maria Jennifer Pinto (P.T.)


Auditory processing disorder is a condition that affects 5% of the school aged children. Kids with this condition cannot process what they hear in the same way as other kids do. This is because their ears and brain don't fully coordinate.      People of all ages can have APD. It often starts in childhood, but some people develop it later. Between 2% to 7% of kids have it and boys are more affected than girls. CAUSES:- Illness Chronic ear infection Meningitis  Lead poisoning Diseases of nervous system (multiple sclerosis) Premature birth  Low birth weight Head injury Genes However the exact cause is not known. How do you know if your child has APD? Difficulty localizing sounds Difficulty understanding spoken language in busy environment or when presented rapidly. Taking longer to respond  Frequent requests for repetition Difficulty comprehending rapid speech  Difficulty in Understanding complex audito...
The serratus posterior inferior muscle is the one that aches and is stiff when you have slept on a mattress that is too soft. This can be mistaken for kidney pain.      Abdominal muscles too refer pain to the back so next time your back hurts it could be the abs, tight hamstrings, flat feet, drooping shoulders, etc. that could be the likely culprits... - Dr. Maria Jennifer Pinto (P.T.)