When you say GHOST HELD YOU in your sleep!!!
During the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, changes occur in the brain's signalling. This results into reduced muscle tone in most of the skeletal muscles. The muscles that function with efficient tone are diaphragm, cardiac muscles, muscles of the digestive system. Dreaming occurs during the REM phase of sleep. Due to characteristic behaviour of the REM phase of have reduced muscle tone, our body is in the least state of awareness. Thus preparedness to respond to any kind of stimuli is low. Moreover due to minimal tension in the muscles the muscles are incapable of performing any movements. When we awake in the REM phase of the cycle, the characteristic low muscle tone, makes us incapable of performing any movements. And we take some time to react to any stimuli that we may have encountered at that time. That's our ghost in most of the situations Reference:- Muscle tone regulation during REM sleep: neural circuitry and clinical significance R Vetrivelan ...