Watch your child play and grow

         Did you know even play has different types? Did you know its important to know what sort of engagement the child has with other kids on the play ground really matters A LOOOT!!!!!! 

According to the theory developed by Mildred Parten Newhall in 1929 children's pattern of play has been divided into the following 6 categories:

  1. Unoccupied play - The child does not participate in the play. They may be engaged in seemingly random movements with no objective. However this stage forms the base for future play exploration. 
  2. Solitary independent play - The child is alone and focused on its activity. However, is unaware or uninterested in  what others around him are doing. This occurs because the child has not developed socially to be able to play with others yet or because they choose to spend alone time. This type of play is observed in children within the age group of 2-3 years of age.
  3. Onlooker play - This is a kind o behavior. The child watches others at play but does not actually participate in it. The child would however talk about the play or engage in conversations relating to the play without actually joining in the activity. This type of play is also observed in younger children. 
  4. Parallel play - This is also called as adjacent play or social coaction. The child indulges in the play separately from others but close to them. The child will mimic the actions of the adjacent group. This is transition phase from an immature types of play as solitary and onlooker to a more mature types of play like associative and cooperative type of play.
  5. Associative play - The child is interested in the people playing. However its activities are not well coordinated with those of others playing. There may be no organized activity at all. The child expresses substantial amount of interaction but they are not in sync.
  6. Cooperative play - The child is interested both in the people playing and the activity. The activities are organized and well coordinated. The child is able to identify oneself as well as oneself with the group and understand the concept of team play. This is a more mature type of play and cannot be observed in children of preschool and kindergarten. 

References :
"Parten's classic study of play" A topical approach to life- span development. 
"Children, play and development", Hughes, Fergus.

(B.P.T., C.A.F.T.I)
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